Wednesday, September 16, 2009


On a recent excursion to downtown Burlington, I stepped into a local discount wholesale store. I have driven past the Big!Lots store many times, and have always laughed at the incredibly ridiculous name! There are no Big!Lots stores in Canada, so I was curious as to what I might find there. What I found was everything! The store had everything from furniture to birthday cards. It also had a large selection of vases, picture frames, and glass containers. Being a full out bridezilla, I started wondering if I could find anything there that I could use for the wedding. I found something indeed!

These are candle holders. I picked up one large one and one small one to show my sister, and the more I look at them, the more I like them. Even though they are meant for candles, I think that they would look beautiful as a base for the floral centerpieces. The best part? They were 75% off, so the tall one cost $3.50 and the small one cost $2.50. Now, when I went to the store, they had 6 large ones and 16 small ones, which wouldn't be enough for centerpieces (we need 25-30). I think that I might make Matt drive me to all of the Big!Lots in the area to see if I can hunt down enough of them. The only problem is that Matthew thinks that they are too busy and is not as in love as I am. What do you think?


  1. I really love these! Did you try painting them all white like we talked about?

  2. Not says that they are a bit "retro", but I think that I love them anyway!

  3. retro eh? .... mom just has to see them!
