Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The STDs Revisited

So, I have successfully made the prototype for our Save the Dates. I must say, all of my crazy wedding research and blog stalking has made me learn quite a few new design skills! I am by no means a pro, but I am learning a lot. There is no way I would have been able to design these 6 months ago.

Since our invitations are going to be a very formal navy and white (with maybe a hint of yellow), I wanted our STDs to be mostly yellow, and more playful. I like the overall design, and I enjoy the yellow envelope, but I am not sure what to do about the backing on the card. I did try the material backing that I mentioned previously, and here is what I came up with:

The back looks like this:

Even though I loved the extra texture that the material provides, I worried that the pattern on the front combined with the different pattern on the back was just too busy. So, I used different backings to see what they would look like. Here is the STD with yellow backing:

.....and navy blue:

What do you think? Which one do you like best?

P.S. For all of you who will be guests at the wedding, but are not traveling from out of town, you will not be getting one of these. I am only making them for people who need to plan ahead. If you are coming from out of town and receive one of these in the mail a couple of weeks from now, try to act surprised, please!


  1. After carefully examining all the options I think i like the simple navy backroud the best. Although the patterned navy was a very close second. I'd love to actually see them!!

  2. I definitley like the Navy backed one the best... I'm not a fan of the pattern of the first blue one. They're so pretty though!!!!! :D
