Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall is Here

This is a picture of what is going on outside of my window today. For the most part, I hate fall. I hate the rain, I hate the gloominess, and most of all, I hate the cold that the season brings. Today is one of those days that I just want to curl up in bed and read a good book. I am one of those people whose mood is influenced by the weather, so I am not feeling too chipper right now.

Nevertheless, I can't help but to think about all of the good things that happened to me in the fall. Matthew and I met in the fall of 2003, when we were introduced by friends.

This is actually the first picture that the two of us took together. I remember thinking that he was so incredibly cute with that beautiful curly hair. He was so shy when we met, and our first steps toward becoming a couple were not very graceful. Still, there was something about his sincerity that I just found irresistible.

Fall also signals the start of a new school year. Even though we went to school in Kingston, Ontario, we spent the summers apart. Matthew's family lives in Vermont, and he would go home for the summer. The fall signified the end of about 4 months of long distance dating.

This is us at the infamous Homecoming at Queen's University in Kingston. Looking back at these pictures makes me laugh because Matthew looks so young compared to me. We are the same age, but in this pic I look like I have at least 2 or 3 years on him.

Finally, Matthew's birthday is in the fall, and I am very happy to celebrate the birth of my man. Also, we had our civil marriage in the fall of last year. So, on days like today, it really helps to remember that apart from awful weather, the fall brings with it many wonderful memories. I feel better already!

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