Monday, October 26, 2009

I am Marrying a Renaissance Man

On Saturday, Matthew decided that we couldn't go another minute without a coffee table in our "hang out" room. I was stacking coffee cups, etc. on this wooden crate that Matthew had lying around, and he was terrified that I would spill a beverage on the brand new, beige carpet (and honestly, with my clutsy history, it was a definite possibility).

We are really trying to save as much money as possible right now, and have decided that we wouldn't buy any furniture in fear that it wouldn't "match" the starter home that we are planning on buying with all of the money we saved. So, buying a coffee table was out.

During the renovations, we ripped out some old pine shelves that Matthew had in his walk in closet. The wood was in good condition, so we stored it in the garage for the time being. Matthew decided that he would make use of the wood to make our table.

Now, I must be honest, I had little hope for this table. Not only was the wood in pieces, but I have never known Matthew to be a carpenter. He was in the basement for a couple of hours, and came up with this:

I don't know about you, but I think that this is pretty fabulous for 2 hours of work on a Saturday! Because this was supposed to be a temporary piece of furniture, he didn't stain the wood, but I am thinking that this baby might be worth keeping! This is just like the time I challenged him to a tennis match just to find out that he has a serious back hand, or when after six years of dating, I learned that my honey's drumming skills go beyond tapping on a desk. His skills never cease to amaze me!

Now that I know about his secret talents, I plan to put him to work on wedding projects.....any ideas?


  1. OMG! That's an awesome coffee table! A++ Matt! Great stuff!

  2. (just in case you were confused whenever it says "jeremy" it's rhiannon, I'm just using his account to post comments because its easier).

  3. Yeah that's really nice!! I would stain it and keep it. :)
