Monday, October 5, 2009

I am indecisive and have too much free time on my hands

I may have crossed the line to becoming unhealthily obsessed with our wedding. The STDs are all that I have been able to think about! Even though I liked the ones that I made (and I agree with you, the navy backing is best), I was still so in love with the fabric idea. I knew that the yellow pattern stood in the way of the fabric backing, so I reworked the design completely to compliment and not compete with the fabric. Here is what I came up with:

Now, as Rhi pointed out, the fabric design is not the most breathtaking (it looks bandanna-ish, no?). Please keep in mind that this is just a prototype. I would find a fabric with a nicer design. Also, I must be honest and say that the fabric std was a lot more work. The backing must be neatly covered with fabric, and I would have to cut out the shape of the paper by hand (oh, what I wouldn't do for a Cricut!). Do you think that it's worth it? Or is the idea better than the reality?

Edit: Please imagine that the border around our names on the fabric std is navy....I think that the yellow is a bit washed out.

1 comment:

  1. Well, ok. So, the fabric ones could look really good, but it's kinda hard to tell without seeing them with the right pattern, you know? I still really really like the yellow ones.
    My comment on both of the designs actually is the same. Both of these have a kitchy, homemade, whimsical feel to them. Now don't get me wrong, they're both really nice, I was just wondering if that is the feeling you are going for? If so, great!

    ..... CALL ME.
