Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Missin my Peeps

Yesterday I went on a blind date with a woman. Matthew set me up with the wife of a coworker to get me out of the house. We went for lunch. It was magical.

One of the unfortunate consequences of following your heart to a different country to be with your sweety, is the fact that you have to leave all of your hard earned friendships behind. I am a person who takes some time to warm up to people, so trying to build relationships under pressure is torture. So, today's post is about all of the lovely people that I have left behind in Canada.

Let's start with my lovely housemates. From left to right that's Rhiannon, Jessica, me, and Holly. Sadly, we are currently scattered across the world, in Australia, England, the US, and Bahrain. I hope that they are all able to make it to our wedding for a little reunion.

Next, we have "the core" (yes, we actually called ourselves that....we even had t-shirts made). You can see my back in this picture, Rebecca is the deliriously happy one, Steph is facing the camera, and Rob is sadly hidden.

Here we are dressed up for a "villains" party....we're the ghosts from Pacman! You've already met Rebecca and Rhiannon, and my high school friend Rachel is on the right.

Mary has been my friend for the shortest amount of time, but has nevertheless made an impact on my life. Matthew and I attended her wedding in March, and she was a beautiful bride.

Myself, Rob, Rebecca, and Rhiannon at graduation (man I have a lot of friends whose names start with "R").

I can only hope that I am lucky enough to meet such wonderful friends here in Vermont. Did you have to leave your social circle and start a new one to be with your fiance?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for only posting reasonably attractive photos of me, haha :P

    It's really annoying to have to make new friends. (Especially, as I'm finding, in small towns, where gossip and drama are the order of the day). But it DOES happen... it just can't be rushed. :)
